British Nuclear Fuel Ltd (BNFL) Pond Database System

Examples of our work - oracle database for BNFL that manages reprocessing

BNFL Pond Database System

Sellafield is a large multi-function nuclear site close to Seascale on the coast of Cumbria, England. Current key activities (2019) include nuclear fuel reprocessing, nuclear waste storage and nuclear decommissioning, and it is a former nuclear power generating site. The site covers an area of two square miles and comprises more than 200 nuclear facilities and more than 1,000 buildings. It is Europe's largest nuclear site and has the most diverse range of nuclear facilities in the world situated on a single site.

There are four ponds and silo facilities at Sellafield, all containing highly contaminated waste. In March 2015 work began to pump 1,500 cubic metres of radioactive sludge from the First Generation Magnox Storage Pond, enough to fill seven double-decker buses. The clean-up operation is arduous – the Magnox pond isn’t expected to be decommissioned until 2054. It is one of several hugely necessary, and hugely complex, clean-up jobs that must be undertaken at Sellafield.

The project was to design, develop, build and deploy a client server database to manage the nuclear waste storage ponds.

Technologies used include: Oracle, VBA, Winforms

Hihghlights: Integrity of data was vital.  Software and hardware interlocks.  Full audit trail. Highly visual display.

Database Development project for BNFL

Project info

  • British Nuclear Fuel Ltd (BNFL) Pond Database System
  • database development,oracle development

My Silversands

My Silversands
Villa rental website with 128 exclusive properties overseas.

In 2009, I moved my business from a company in India, and engaged Impact Technology to maintain and develop my vacation rental website.  Since then the website has undergone many large changes from a complete redesign, to simplifying booking functionality and enhancing usability features.  There have also been many back end changes, simplifying key administration tasks, including the creation of a variety of complex reporting and financial functions.  
More recently we have been focused on social aspects and enhancing the delivery of guest services to our customers before arrival and during their stay. Impact have developed bespoke forums for us so that guests can ask questions of other guests prior to booking, and integrated live chat software to the website to support pre-sales. We are about to launch a bespoke private messaging system that will allow guests to communicate, both with each other and key members of staff, before, during and after their visit.

I have found Impact’s input into all of these changes invaluable.  Andy will always find the most efficient and budget conscious solution to a problem, and Jo has often been a sounding board for looking at things from the customers perspective. Thus far it’s been a mutually beneficial relationship and I am confident it will continue to be so.

Prem Chadeesingh, Managing Director