Data Protection Policy Overview

Data protection policy overview for GDPR Software.

Our Data Protection Policy covers the following areas:

1. Introduction 
2. Information Security Policy 
3. Acceptable Use Policy 
4. Disciplinary Action 
5. Protect Stored Data 
6. Information Classification 
7. Access to the sensitive cardholder data 
8. Physical Security 
9. Protect Data in Transit 
10. Disposal of Stored Data 
11. Security Awareness and Procedures 
12. Network security 
13. System and Password Policy 
14. Anti-virus policy 
15. Patch Management Policy 
16. Remote Access policy 
17. Vulnerability Management Policy 
18. Configuration standards: 
19. Change control Process 
20. Audit and Log review 
21. Secure Application development 
22. Penetration testing methodology 
23. Incident Response Plan 
24. Roles and Responsibilities 
25. Third party access to card holder data 
26. User Access Management 
27. Access Control Policy 
28. Wireless Policy