SuperControl API Development To WordPress Website

Impact integrated SuperControl booking and channel manager to a WordPress Website for Dorset Cottage Holidays, who advertise 60 properties through their website.

SuperControl API Development to WordPress Website

Impact integrated SuperControl booking and channel manager to a WordPress Website for Dorset Cottage Holidays, who advertise 60 properties through their website.

In this API integration we pull all accommodation information from SuperControl such as property description, amenities, availability, and pricing, to display on the WordPress front end.  

We also carry out a number of calculations to show a variety of discounts (based on date ranges, no of nights requested etc) in area and date search results.  We also add in internal fees and bookings fees, to ensure the customer sees the correct price advertised on the web front-end.

On booking, the customer carries out the transaction on SuperControl's servers, making it a secure transaction and GDPR compliant.

This time the work was done using the WordPress Plugin framework, however on other projects this has been done as a PHP Chron Job or as a .net server app.

Project info

  • SuperControl API Development to WordPress Website
  • supercontrol api development, wordpress

Palacio Consulting Ltd

Palacio Consulting Ltd
I have worked with Impact Technology for a number of years now on at least 3 of my projects. I have found them to be very professional with great attention to detail, enhancing the brief with their technical knowhow & experience. I have found them to be very focussed to the customer's needs and can recommend the Impact Team to deliver your project.

Mark Palacio, Managing Director